The color pop level of personal color analysis is designed to provide a quick but accurate look at the colors that best suit you. This analysis takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and will be done by a certified consultant.
The typical Color Pop analysis will include:
Color analysis to determine your color code- this method is a tonal method and will not assign a season. Please see our color experience or color essentials packages for consultations that include a season assignment.
Pop color review (these are the top 3 colors that best suit your color code)
Digital color swatches of your best colors
*Due to the nature of color analysis, children under age 14 should not attend the appointment with you.
*We will contact you via text or email to schedule your consultation once your order is complete.
The color pop level of personal color analysis is designed to provide a quick but accurate look at the colors that best suit you. A typical color pop analysis takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. During your analysis, your consultant will use color theory to determine your color code. At Allure Color Studio, we are certified in two different systems. The color pop system is tonal rather than seasonal. Email us at for questions regarding the difference. If you prefer the seasonal method, please choose the Color Essentials or Color Experience packages.
You will leave your consultation with a digital copy of the colors for your color code and a better understanding of how wearing the proper colors can brighten your eyes, even out your complexion, and enhance your facial features.
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